Apr 12, 2011

One of my more BUDGET FRIENDLY ideas

Ever since Josh and I moved into our flat here in Newcastle, I've been trying to think of cheap ways to decorate it.  I have never necessarily been the interior decorator type and anybody that knows me is aware of the fact that I don't mind spending loads of money on designer clothes, shoes, purses, etc. don't always buy discount.  :)  But considering that Josh and I will only be in Newcastle for a short 9 months (only about 1 1/2 left)  AND we have all our brand new Pottery Barn and Macys wedding gifts still in their original boxes packed away in sister Kristin's spare room (we got married 3 weeks prior to moving here), it's obviously not necessary to buy nice things for this place.  In Josh's opinion, we should buy NOTHING for it.  But as many of you know, that's just not my style.    My bridal shower was themed "Shopaholic"...Need I say more?

I think I've done a pretty fantastic job of making our completely beige flat look pretty great without spending too much money.  And plus, I get to take almost all of it to Grenada for year two.  Most of my rooms have at least some semblance of a color scheme going on.  Anyway, a few weeks ago, as I was having lunch with my good friend Julie, I noticed that the glass bottle that my pink lemonade was in was just so darn cute.  I decided to take it home with me and see if I could use it as a vase.  I bought some cheap fake flowers and over a month or so, I collected 5 of those cute little lemonade bottles and voila' ...a cute way to decorate my kitchen windowsill!

My Kitchen Windowsill
What do ya think??  Cute huh?!? 

In other Scurlock news, step-dad Scott and little brother Andrew will be here on Thursday from California for 10 days.  More visitors here in Newcastle! We can't wait!

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