Jul 3, 2014

A Letter to My One Year Old

My Dearest Ryan Cathleen,

Today you are one whole year old.  As your Mama, it's just hard to believe that you are a one year old, a toddler.  My how this year has simultaneously been slow and fast at the same time.

I remember when you were in my tummy and I used to sit in your room and daydream about what you would look like.  Would you have Mommy's eyes or Daddy's smile?  Would you have lots of hair?  I couldn't wait to hold you and smell your newborn smell and kiss your sweet cheeks.  I would sit in your rocker and imagine rocking you to sleep or look over at your crib and picture my little bundle sleeping in it.  Ten months of waiting seemed like such an eternity to me.

One year ago today, July 3, 2013, at 6:35pm, the Dr. placed this perfect 7 lb 15 oz baby girl in my arms and I just fell instantly in love.  You looked a bit like a red prune, with a cone shaped head, chubby little cheeks, and dark hair but you had 10 perfect fingers and toes and eyes that locked onto mine instantly.  I like to think that we were best friends from the beginning.

The past 12 months have been some of the hardest and yet most rewarding months of my life with you, Ryan.  We've had to learn all sorts of things you and me.  From breastfeeding to bottle feeding to real food, from long sleepless nights to sleep training and teething, sick days, and fussy days we've been through it all together.  You've learned to roll and sit and crawl and now walk and it's really just amazing that God has blessed me so much that I could be witness to all of these huge firsts in your life.

Ryan Cathleen, you are the sweetest little girl with a personality that lights up every room.  You draw everyone's attention when we are out and about and there aren't many people who don't stop to say hello to you, which makes for extra long shopping trips!  You smile and laugh all day long and you are the biggest talker!  I laugh daily while watching you chat away about God knows what!  You are independent while at the same time a huge Mama's girl.

Ry, I know that in the years to come we won't always see eye to eye.  We will probably fight about how much makeup you can wear or at what age you'll be allowed to go on dates, drive a car, or how late your curfew is, but I hope you always know how much I love you.  You have brought me more joy in your first year than I ever thought possible and no matter how much of a big girl you get to be, you'll always be my baby.  Happy 1st Birthday Ryan!

I love you to the moon and back,


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