Jun 24, 2011

Paradise Found

If the island of Grenada isn't paradise, then I'm not sure what is.  So far, Josh and I have been living here for four days and I am loving every glorious sun-filled second of it.  Maybe these feelings will wear off in a few weeks or months, maybe not.  I can't imagine looking at this and EVER getting tired of it.

Grand Anse Beach
 I suppose the other students and SOs that have been here for 6 months, a year, or more might beg to differ with me.  Yes, the native Grenadians drive like drunken maniacs (maybe because some of them are in fact, drunk).  Yes, the cost of food, electricity, housing, and everything else is insanely high, especially for a medical student on loans.  Yes, it's really hot and ridiculously humid.  And yes, there are mosquitos, centipedes, spiders, and cockroaches the size of golf balls.  But even with all that being said, I am in love with Grenada. 

We are living in Lance Aux Epines, in an apartment which I have decided was a great choice.  It's a little costly, but it's clean and well furnished, and most importantly, I feel safe.

When I asked the landlord (whom is AMAZING by the way), what our address was he said "It's the cream building right off Lance Aux Epines Road.  Right next to the Red Crab Restaurant."  Apparently, This. Is. Grenada. (TIG for short). 

Lance Aux Epines beach is just a short five minute walk from our apartment.  Josh and I walked over to the beach yesterday.  Please excuse the ridiculous sunglasses tan.  After only a few days in the sun, I already look like a raccoon.

Lance Aux Epines Beach
We also took the bus to St. George's University to see where Josh will be spending the majority of HIS time this next year.

And then today, I figured out where I will be spending the majority of MY time. 
And can I just say, that the women that I have met in this last year, the people that I refer to as SO's, are some of the most helpful and caring friends that I have ever had.  These people, whom I've known for less than a year, have made our transition to Grenada so easy.  They picked us up from the airport late at night, brought us water, cereal, and milk to get us through the next morning and have been doing everything in their power to help us get acclimated to Grenada Life as quickly as possible.  I really don't know what I would do without these girls.  I feel so blessed to have all of them in my life.
 *** Though I still miss my Julie. :)

To sum up, I'm really excited about this new adventure in Grenada and I hope that my feelings toward this beautiful country don't change because as of now, I really like my new home.


  1. It is beautiful!!!!!! You already look super tan! Thanks for the shoutout, it makes me sad that Im not there :(, but I am happy you love it!

  2. Wow Steph I am soooo jealous!!! It looks amazing and so clean. Keep the posts coming. (Josh & Drea)
