Sep 7, 2014

Ryan Cathleen: 13 & 14 Months

Well, at 14 months, my baby is surely not a baby anymore.  At 24lbs 4 oz (80%ile) and 30 inches tall (43%ile) she is most definitely a toddler.  And, while it's sad to come to the realization that she is no longer a little baby, I really LOVE this age.  There are great things about every childhood stage, but at 14 months, Ryan is independent enough to play on her own at times, feed herself snacks, sit in the bathtub without me holding on to her 24/7, and put herself to sleep at night.  But, she still loves a good cuddle.  It's the best of both worlds in my opinion.  And if you are wondering, she sleeps from 7:30 pm to 6:30am every night without waking up.  That would be another HUGE reason to love this age. :)

So what's she been up to these past two months?  Well, she's on the move 24/7.  This girl is quite the walker now.  She insists on walking everywhere and really is not a fan of being strapped down in a stroller or being held.  It makes running errands a little challenging but, that's toddlerhood I think.  She also asserts herself by pitching a fit and throwing herself to the ground in tears.  It's actually pretty hilarious.

She continues to "talk" up a storm, but there's only a handful of words that I know she knows.  Her first word was "bye" which sounds Southern when she says it and she typically will wave her hand at the same time.  Adorable.  I also think she knows "hi," "ya," and some version of "shoe" which mostly just comes out as "shhhh."  She says "mama" and "dada" as well but I'm still not 100% certain that she correlates saying those words with Josh and I.  Kids learning words is just so cute.  Although I'm sure I might change my mind when she learns the word "no." Haha!

I officially weaned her the day before she turned 14 months.  I started weaning just before her 1st birthday and so the entire process took about 2 months.  I was in no rush and while she likely would have been fine stopping at a year, I wanted to make it as comfortable for me as possible.  Breastfeeding was a very good experience with Ryan and while there will be aspects of it that I miss, I am very thrilled to finally have my body back to myself after 2 years!

Ryan had Hand Foot and Mouth at the tail end of July.  So that was a good time.  She handled it like a pro, but being house-bound for over a week wasn't particularly fun.  We are glad to be past it and glad that it didn't seem to bother her much.

She notices other kids these days and loves to run after older children at the park or in the church nursery.  She'll give hugs to all of our baby friends and is pretty much a social butterfly.

Her likes include raspberries, strawberries, and most fruits.  She loves the movies Frozen and Tangled and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She recently got a baby doll and will regularly tote it around the house.  She continues to "organize" things including her pacifiers, things in the refrigerator, and toys. She loves to dive into the laundry basket and put clothing items and blankets over her head.  She gets so excited when Dad comes home at night but still prefers Mama when she wakes up from naps or is upset.

Ryan has the best personality and her smile and laughter are contagious.  I get stopped daily so that someone can comment on how adorable she is and how much personality she has and I just thank the Lord everyday that she is mine.  How did I create such a perfect little human being?

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