So, we are officially Massachusetts residents now. Weird.
First impressions of Worcester:
- SUPER green and lush
- Rains almost daily (even in summer)
- Cool
- Slower paced
- Friendly people
Ryan and I got here a week ago and Josh was ready and waiting for us at the Boston airport. It was a long day of traveling, but Ryan did so well. The most difficult part of our day was getting through the airport security. I had decided to carry Ryan on me in the Ergo in order to have my hands free. This ended up being a good idea. What was a bad idea was having three carry-ons. I looked like a straight up pack horse getting through the airport. Ryan strapped to my front, diaper bag on my back, duffle bag over one arm, and my computer bag over the other. I was sweating by the time we made it to the gate but we made it on the plane and Jet Blue was so accommodating, putting us in a bulk head seat so Ryan could play at my feet. They even gave Ryan a set of "wings" since it was her very first plane ride.
The flight was almost 5.5 hours, but you wouldn't have known that Ryan was even on the plane. She played, socialized, and took a 1.5 hour nap in my arms. I don't think she cried one time. I couldn't have asked for her to be a better baby. In fact, so many passengers and flight attendants commented on the fact that she was the most well-behaved, happy, good-tempered baby they had ever seen/flown with. Way to make me look like Mom of the year Ry! :)
We were definitely happy to get to our new apartment and reunite with Josh, even though we knew it would mean sleeping on an air mattress. The apartment is super nice, minus being a little "hotel-like" but we think that may be an East Coast thing and are sure we'll adapt to it.
We spent the week trying to get out and enjoy all that Worcester has to offer since our apartment was furniture less until this weekend. We found a local park with swings, went on a couple little hikes near our house, and ate lunch down by Lake Quinsigamond.
We also went to check out the University of Massachusetts Memorial Hospital where Josh will begin working in a few weeks. It's VERY nice. Definitely a step up from ARMC county hospital. And it's super close to our home. So close that Josh plans to walk!!
Our stuff arrived on Thursday and we were definitely ready for it to get here. A week without things is a bit challenging, especially with a baby.
We've spent the last couple of days trying to unpack and organize all of our stuff. It's a process, but I prefer the boxes and chaos to an apartment full of nothing. Massachusetts is starting to feel a bit more like home now that we have some familiar things and I assume it won't take long before we feel at home here.

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