If you are a Mama of a toddler, then like me, you quickly came to the realization that parks and the ability to be outside are absolutely CRUCIAL for your sanity as a Mom. There's something about being able to run around and scream and breath in the fresh air that makes everything better. It really helps the kids too! :) I, unfortunately, took for granted the oasis that is the park for most of my life. You see, in California, you can basically go to the park or be outside any day of the week, any week of the year. In Massachusetts, they have this thing called winter, and well, it really puts a damper on the whole being outside thing when the temperature high for the day is 2 degrees and all of the toys at the park are covered in 6-10 foot mountains of snow.
From mid-December to early/mid April, the park was basically inaccessible. But as the snow piles have now melted away, the trees are blooming with flowers and leaves, and the temperature has risen well above freezing; those of us with children are flocking to the parks in droves.

We Mamas go like pack animals with our diaper bags full of all the park necessities; snacks, water bottles, pb&j picnic lunches, wipes, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and sunscreen. We are prepared for skinned knees and sand-filled shoes, grubby hands and squeals of "siiiing (swing)" and "siiiiide (slide)." And sure, the park creates some extra work in that we now have to deal with the tantrums involved in leaving the siiing and the siiiiide and bath time has absolutely become a daily requirement. However, the extra-long nap after wiping her out and the 20-30 minutes of actual Mom social hour that I get during the 2 hour park playdate when I'm not climbing up and down the stairs to go down the slide or making sure she's not getting taken out by accidentally running behind the swing or picking up the random bug that she found or chasing her around to apply sunscreen for the 4th time makes it totally worth it.

Basically, I'm thoroughly convinced that parks are God's gift to Moms. Parks and wine. In fact, if we Moms could drink wine at the park without being reported to Child Protective Services.....just saying.