So what's been going on with us?
*Well, Josh started his surgical rotation last week. His first two weeks are in Orthopedic Surgery which was his elective choice. He could choose between Ortho, Ear Nose and Throat, and Burn. He listed Ortho first and got it, however I'm not sure he was thrilled that it was the first two weeks. Oh well. Students were off on Monday for the Veteran's day holiday, but don't you worry, even with Monday off, he has still managed to work over 75 hours this week...and counting. He's still at the hospital right now. The good news is, in the moments I've gotten to say a few words to him, since most of this week he's been working or sleeping, he says he REALLY likes surgery.
*I got a job! Yay! I started working at Redlands Gymnastics Club two weeks ago. I'm only working about 15 hours a week, but that is perfect for me. The pay is just so so, but it gets me out of the house regularly and keeps me interacting with persons other than my dog. :) Good timing considering the surgery rotation is 12 weeks long!
*Operation Grenada Child has been breezing right along. In fact, almost all of the boxes have arrived at my apartment and the plan is to ship them out tomorrow! It's been so fun to see what kind of things people have put in their shoeboxes. They have all come in looking amazing and I just know the kids are going to be so thrilled. I mean I don't know if many of the little girls have ever gotten a barbie doll or Dora doll brand new in the original packaging. Or a little boy who's ever had his own set of brand spankin' new toy cars or a new football. I just can't wait. And I can't wait to get these boxes out of my house. They are taking over!!
*Speaking of Grenada...I leave a week from today for my 11 day visit! In seven short days I will be reunited with my island in the sun and my Limes kids. Ahh there really just are no words to describe my excitement.
So that's what has been going on with us. What have you been up to?