
Jun 24, 2013

Home Stretch

We've entered the home stretch.

And not just for this pregnancy but for Josh's 3rd year of medical school too.  Have I not mentioned school much lately?  Well I suppose it's because my mind has been on a certain little girl doing backflips in my ever growing belly. 

But, Josh has been moving along in clinical rotations.  He just finished a six week Family Medicine rotation at an outpatient clinic.  It was probably the easiest rotation he has had thus far and also (in his opinion) the least exciting.  It also requires no shelf exam which was nice.  Needless to say, he won't be applying for Family Medicine, but it's nice to have yet another core rotation checked off the list.  He started his six weeks of psychiatry today and once he's done, he will officially be a 4th year medical student.  What the heck!?!? Where did this year go?  Actually, where did the past 3 years go?

He is scheduled to take his Step II CS in a couple of weeks and his Step II CK in mid August.  Residency applications are open for business on July 1st and can be submitted starting in September.  And then we are into residency interview season followed by submitting match lists and then the 2014 Match in mid-March.  It's overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.
And then there's me and Ryan. 
38 Weeks 5 Days

We hit 39 weeks tomorrow.  That's 7 days from my due date.  She could literally come at anytime and that is crazy!  At my 38 week appointment, doctor said I was 1cm dilated and about 50% effaced.  I know that doesn't really tell me whether labor is around the corner, but it's weird to think that my body is starting to prepare for her arrival.

I was hoping to jump start labor over the weekend by walking and bouncing on an exercise ball, but even the "Supermoon" didn't get any action going.  Oh well. She'll come when she's good and ready I suppose.

In the meantime, we're just playing the waiting game and trying to prepare as best we can for the changes that are certainly coming soon in every aspect of our lives.

Jun 16, 2013

Daddy-To-Be Survival Kit

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's or Dad's-to-be out there and an extra special Father's Day wish to my Daddy and my baby Daddy Josh!

Since we are only a of couple weeks, or who knows maybe a of couple days (though I doubt it for some reason) away from having Ryan here, I thought it only appropriate to gift Josh with a Daddy-To-Be Survival Kit that provides him with all the necessities a new Dad might need. 

Included in his New Dad basket are the following items:
  • Hershey's Hugs and Kisses
  • Pacifiers
  • Bibs
  • Hop on Pop and Love You Forever books
  • Rubber gloves
  • Clothespins
  • Ear plugs
  • Rattle
  • Band-aids
  • Condoms
  • Coffee mug and coffee
  • Six pack of Sierra Nevada
  • Onesie
When making your own, you could use any number of these ideas or make up your own that are appropriate for the Dad in your life.

This is one of my favorite parts of the basket.  There were no Relax My Daddy's "Almost" A Doctor onesies, but I think with basically one year left, he's close enough right? :)  If you are interested in purchasing one yourself, check out THIS SHOP ON ETSY

I think that Josh found this gift just about as cute and sweet as I did.  And now with all these items in hand, he has zero excuses for not being ready for this baby.  Right?

Jun 11, 2013

Full Term

It's official.

Ryan and I have now hit the 37 week mark which means she is full term!  Yikes. 

Doctors appointments are now weekly occurrences, and the doctor said he will not stop labor at this point which means things just got R.E.A.L.  Her head is down, which is fabulous and she feels as though she is quickly running out of room in my ever expanding belly.  My belly button is practically non-existent (seriously it's as flat as a pancake) and bending over has long become a thing of the past.

I'm feeling surprisingly good.  Sleeping is a challenge but overall I don't have too many complaints about pregnancy.  Maybe I'll be kicking myself for saying that in a week or so?  Who knows.  My weight gain is somewhere in the low to mid 20's and I have to say I'm pleased with that. If there is anything that's stressing me out besides uh... ya know... being responsible for someone's life.....oh, and the actual giving birth part, it's wondering if my body will EVER be the same.  I know, that sounds extremely vain, but unfortunately it's true.

My wedding ring is officially off.  Not because I can't put it on, but because I suddenly got worried about it getting stuck on my finger.   Josh can attest to a crazy pregnant moment moment of panic I had in the middle of the night a week or so ago where I frantically got out of bed at 3am and took my ring off for fear that if I didn't, it would have to be cut off.  Preggo Problems.

We finished birthing classes last week and if being educated on the proper ways to bathe, nurse, swaddle, and diaper a baby are the keys to being a great parent, then Josh and I have it in the bag.  Hands down.  If there's more to it than that, then please, just let us live in our ignorance for a little while longer. :)

We still have some things to check off the to-do list.  Like install the carseat, which looks rather challenging and pack a hospital bag.  I suppose I need to get on it.  But, the nursery is ready, the bedding and some of her clothes are washed, and thanks to our many friends and family, her closet is STOCKED full of baby gear. 

We are getting excited to meet this little girl.  Something tells me she will take her sweet time in making her appearance.  Call it a Momma's intuition or something.  And since I'm really hoping to avoid being induced, I guess I will let her take all the time she wants or at least all the time the doctor will allow!

Jun 10, 2013

Baby Shower #2

Over the weekend, Josh and I made the trip to Bakersfield one last time before Ryan arrives for a baby shower thrown by Auntie Kristin.  She put on a beautiful shower at her home and once again, I was reminded how blessed and loved we are.  After Saturday's shower, I am officially sure that she will be the best dressed baby in Redlands and that the addition of a second bedroom with a walk-in closet was absolutely necessary in order to hold all of her stuff.

The Hostess, Auntie Kristin
We got some AMAZING gifts including two gorgeous handmade quilts from my Cousin Courtney and Grandma Scurlock.  I can't believe the time and effort it must have taken to make each of these and they are just stunning.  Ryan is so lucky to have such special keepsakes from both sides of the family.
On my "thrown"

Sterling Silver Baby Flatware from Grammy Fairman

Measuring the belly!

Handmade quilt from Great Grandma Scurlock

Cousin Courtney and I

Handmade quilt from Cousin Court

The Wetterholm side

Great Grandma Scurlock

Grandma Denise
The Griffin/Fairman Side

Grammy Fairman and Auntie Anna

Great Gramma Catie
Cousin Court and Aunt Jenny

It was so strange to leave Bakersfield and all of our family and think that the next time Josh and I see all of them, we will have a baby!  This pregnancy really has gone so quickly and I can't believe that our family of two is only weeks away from being a family of three.  After this weekend, I am finally starting to feel prepared, at least with the "things" and I'm mentally getting closer to being ready as well. 

Thanks again to all of the family and friends who attended both of my wonderful showers.  I know I said it already, but I really do feel so blessed to have so many people supporting Josh and I was we prepare to enter parenthood.  We know we couldn't do it without all of you!

Mommy and Daddy to be!

Jun 6, 2013

Nursery Reveal

Ryan's nursery is finally done! 

It's been a long time coming, but I have completely enjoyed the creative process behind designing a nursery for my baby girl.  I suppose the nursery is more for me rather than Ryan, since she would probably be fine in a pack-n-play until age 2, but I am happy that I got to create a special space for us.  It's quickly become my favorite room in the house.

My "theme" so to speak evolved over time, but overall, I wanted something with a vintage, shabby chic touch.  My color scheme was light neutral colors of beige, ivory, and petal pink.  My Mom was a HUGE help during the entire process creatively and financially.  I can honestly say it wouldn't have been possible without her.  I think she may be just as excited about her first grandchild as I am about my first child.

The room is small, so there is a lot of furniture packed into a small space, but I think since everything is light colored, it doesn't overwhelm the room too much.  I am posting links to MOST of the items in the nursery, just in case any of my readers (all 10 of you) might be interested.
Glider, Ottoman
Drape Panels, Sheer Panels, Window Hardware

Nightstand bought at an antique store in Downtown Bakersfield. 

Wall Frames
The beautiful light chandelier was a gift from my Cousin Courtney that she found at an antique store in Bakersfield.  It was the absolute PERFECT addition to Ryan's room.

Changing Table DIY
Shelf DIY, Pink Floral Knobs, Changing Pad Fabric
The changing pad cover, throw pillows, throw blanket, and porcelain doll dress were all sewn by my Mom with the same fabric linked above. The pink vases are from Michael's Arts and Crafts Ashland Collection and the fake flowers are from Michael's as well.  The wall clock was purchased at a scrapbooking store in Bakersfield.

Crib, Bedding
Letter DIY, Crystal Mobile DIY

White Plush Bunny, Pink Plush Bunny
The dresser was refinished just like the changing table was. Check out the above link to the changing table DIY to see how.
Basket from Kohls, spray painted white.

The headband jar is from Michael's.  They have a large assortment (all shapes and sizes) of glass jars and vases that could be used for hair accessories.
Pink Lamp Shade

I bought the birdcage at Michael's as well as all the things that I filled it with.  A small pink bird, nest, moss, and fake flowers were assembled inside the birdcage.    The lamp base was purchased at an antique store in Bakersfield.  The "Ryan" piggy bank was a gift from my friend Julie.  My guess is that it's from Etsy.

Overall, the nursery is a combination of purchased items from places like Restoration Hardware Baby & Child, antique stores, and do-it-yourself projects.  While there was definitely a lot of money spent on some of the pieces in the nursery, I feel that by incorporating lots of DIY projects, I saved quite a bit of money and also have the satisfaction of knowing a lot of love and time was put into the room.

So, I'm in love with the room.  Are you?

Jun 3, 2013

Baby Shower #1

Two posts in two days.  I think that's a record in blogging for me in 2013.  I really need to pick up the slack. 

This past weekend, Ryan and I were showered with gifts and love by many of my close friends.  Some of my best friends from high school, Liz and Alexa, along with Liz's mom Gwen hosted a baby shower for me in Long Beach.  I was so honored that almost all of my closest friends from high school, college, and married life were able to attend.  Many had to drive (through LA traffic) and one even flew in for the occasion.  Do I have amazing friends or what?  I can only hope that Ryan grows up with friends even remotely as special as mine.

The shower was perfect, complete with yummy food, funny games, and great conversation.  It was very relaxing and I was so glad I got to catch up with all my besties before my life is taken over by baby.
The fabulous hosts: Gwen, Alexa, and Lizzy

Auntie Anna and Grammy Fairman

College Roomies

The other preggers and medical student SO's both due in August.

BFF's since high school!
She has SO MANY clothes!

Diaper motor cycle made by Gwen
Custom piggy bank from Auntie Julie

Handmade dress/doll to match Ryan's nursery from Grammy Fairman
It was such a special day and I can't thank everyone enough that attended.  I am very much looking forward to this next weekend and my Bakersfield shower hosted by Auntie Kristin!