May 30, 2014

Memorial Day and a Trip to the Zoo

This past Monday was Memorial Day and normally, we might have spent the day bbq'ing poolside with family and friends.  But, since we don't have any family in Massachusetts or friends, we decided that the three of us would check out the Southwick Zoo.  So I dressed her in her Memorial Day best and we headed off on a little adventure South of Worcester.

Ryan had never been to the zoo before, but considering that she seems to love all animals, especially dogs, I thought she would have some fun there.  I was right.  She liked looking at the animals, at least the ones that were moving and they had a petting zoo where you could pet the goats which, I'm sure to her were like extra hairy dogs.

We had a fun few hours at the zoo and then headed back to Worcester for a relaxing evening at home.  We wish we were closer to family, but it is also nice to spend some quality time with just the three of us.  We will definitely be sad when Josh starts work here in a couple weeks!

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