
Jun 24, 2013

Home Stretch

We've entered the home stretch.

And not just for this pregnancy but for Josh's 3rd year of medical school too.  Have I not mentioned school much lately?  Well I suppose it's because my mind has been on a certain little girl doing backflips in my ever growing belly. 

But, Josh has been moving along in clinical rotations.  He just finished a six week Family Medicine rotation at an outpatient clinic.  It was probably the easiest rotation he has had thus far and also (in his opinion) the least exciting.  It also requires no shelf exam which was nice.  Needless to say, he won't be applying for Family Medicine, but it's nice to have yet another core rotation checked off the list.  He started his six weeks of psychiatry today and once he's done, he will officially be a 4th year medical student.  What the heck!?!? Where did this year go?  Actually, where did the past 3 years go?

He is scheduled to take his Step II CS in a couple of weeks and his Step II CK in mid August.  Residency applications are open for business on July 1st and can be submitted starting in September.  And then we are into residency interview season followed by submitting match lists and then the 2014 Match in mid-March.  It's overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.
And then there's me and Ryan. 
38 Weeks 5 Days

We hit 39 weeks tomorrow.  That's 7 days from my due date.  She could literally come at anytime and that is crazy!  At my 38 week appointment, doctor said I was 1cm dilated and about 50% effaced.  I know that doesn't really tell me whether labor is around the corner, but it's weird to think that my body is starting to prepare for her arrival.

I was hoping to jump start labor over the weekend by walking and bouncing on an exercise ball, but even the "Supermoon" didn't get any action going.  Oh well. She'll come when she's good and ready I suppose.

In the meantime, we're just playing the waiting game and trying to prepare as best we can for the changes that are certainly coming soon in every aspect of our lives.


  1. You look really amazing Steph, and so so lucky that you haven't gotten any stretch marks... they aren't fun lol Good luck over the next couple weeks, we are thinking about you lots here :)xo

  2. Come out little Ryan, auntie is waiting for you!!!!!!!
