
Feb 23, 2016

Valentine's Day

This year we actually celebrated Valentine's Day in Bakersfield.  We flew into CA late Saturday night and spent most of February 14th recovering from our long travel day with two kids.  However, prior to flying out West, I hosted a little Valentine's Day playdate for Ryan and Rory's best buddies.  It was kind of a spur of the moment decision to have the friends over and I'd be lying if I didn't admit I felt a tad over-extended trying to host a playdate, pack for California, and sew for my Etsy shop but it all got done.  My motto that week was EMBRACE THE CHAOS.  

I baked some ombre' heart sugar cookies and originally planned to let the kids decorate them.  But then I decided to draw the line on the chaos and I decided why on earth would I want to clean up frosting and sprinkles for the next 7 years so I decorated them all myself and just let the kids eat them.  I also stuffed some little goodie bags with a few cookies and the most adorable and delicious, festive pretzel chocolate bites.

We had such a good time and it was so adorable to watch the kids pass out Valentines treats to each other.  It was definitely worth the extra work during my week to see all of these adorable Littles in their Valentine's Day attire.  I hope everyone's Love Day was extra special.

Feb 20, 2016


The past couple of weeks have passed so quickly and it's not that we've been out and about doing a bunch of stuff.  We've actually been at home more days than our usual due to a number of snow storms, but somehow we have remained busy despite our hermit ways.

I don't necessarily mind the snow.  It's so very pretty to watch from the inside and Ryan really enjoys playing in it.  But it takes about 6 hours to get the kids and myself dressed to go outside in it and then the enjoyment of playing in it only lasts about 6 minutes before someone is cold, or hungry, or has poop in their pants.  But, Ryan loved trying to catch snowflakes in her mouth and was pretty entertained by the fact that the snow was practically waist deep.  She obviously doesn't remember the 3ft blizzard that she was witness to last year.

However, you wouldn't have guessed we would be dealing with this kind of snow last week when we had a warm enough day that we were able to make a trip to the park!  Ry has now been asking to go daily and I have to keep telling her that it's too cold!

We moved Rory into her own room about a month ago.  She is now the only one downstairs which was a tad nerve-wracking at first but she seems to sleep really well in her crib.  Because of this, Ryan regularly ends up hanging out in our bed in the morning so we can avoid waking Rory up before she's ready.  Ultimately, when she does wake up, Ryan asks that Rory be brought into bed as well to which I happily agree to.  Anything for a little bit more lounging time.

These sister girls are becoming such good friends.  Ryan regularly says "I love Rory, I love my sister."  Which is basically the sweetest thing ever.  Then of course five seconds later she's pulling the toy away from her and saying "That's MINE!"  With toddlers, you win some you lose some.

We are preppin' to head home to California for the week and are so looking forward to time with all of our family and some warmer weather.  I'm just praying the flight with two babies goes somewhat smoothly!

Feb 7, 2016

Love is in the air.

I think by now it's become increasingly obvious that I'm obsessed with my kids.  And obsessed with taking pictures of my kids.  I'm sure I've lost some followers on Facebook and Instagram because people are genuinely sick of looking at pictures of the girls.  The thing is, part of it is that I really love taking photographs, even if they are just with my iPhone.  I love setting up the kids, trying to get the best light, editing them a bit, and cropping them to fit my need.  I am no photographer, but it's definitely one of my creative outlets, along with sewing, home decorating, and crafting in general.

Holidays just give me more of a reason to take some pictures and Valentine's Day is no exception.  I mean who doesn't love red and pink and hearts all over?  Especially when you have two girls.  V-Day is still a week away and I've already found a multitude of reasons to Valentine-inspired photos of Ryan and Rory.  Come on, I'm a stay-at-home Mom and somedays (most days) I get seriously bored just doing laundry, dishes, and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on repeat.  I realize it's pretty pathetic that taking photos of my kids helps "spice up my life," but bear with me.

I mean who doesn't love a good "lay the baby on a chalkboard" photo?
Or some matching sister heart pajama pictures? (Ryan insisted on wearing a hat.)

When in doubt, use a teether toy as a prop.

Fun tights and chambray...get's me every time.

And pale pink linen bonnets?  SWOON.

Please tell me I'm not the only one taking a ridiculous amount of pictures of my kids on a daily basis. And if I am the only one, well, #sorryimnotsorry.

Feb 2, 2016

Rory Lou: 5 Months Old

Apparently I need to up my blogging game since I haven't done a blog post since Rory's 4 month update.  I suppose it's even more evidence that time is just flying by with this little sister and I can't seem to keep up!

Rory continues to be an overall easy going baby.  Her sleeping has still been somewhat of a struggle but she also had her first cold/stuffy nose which hasn't helped anything.  We introduced a "lovey" to Roars this month and she has taken to the little pink bunny blankie really well.  She typically falls asleep with it on or near her face which is pretty adorable though I usually go move it after she's asleep.  She tends to take 2 or 3 naps per day for a total of 3-4 hours.  Most days, she goes down without much of a fuss.

She has perfected the art of rolling both ways this month and also has become quite the "backward" crawler.  I regularly do not find her in the same place that I put her and have to laugh when she is halfway under the couch or the coffee table.  She wants to crawl after big sister Ry so bad but can't seem to figure it out just yet!  We also brought out the jumper and the walker this month and she thoroughly enjoys both.  I just have to watch out because Ryan has a tendency to play bumper cars with her around the house in the walker.

Rory started taking baths in the big bathtub with Ryan this month and I don't know who loves it more, her, Ry, or me! Haha because now I can bathe both girls at the same time which cuts down on the night time routine.  Rory is still breastfeeding and I am in no hurry to introduce solids as I remember it being a ton of work and a big huge mess with Ryan.  She typically nurses five times during the day plus her night feeds.  She is now taking a HUGE 9oz bottle before bed, so you'd think she'd be sleeping all night!?!?!

Roar and Ry are starting to develop a seriously adorable sister bond.  It's crazy how early it really does start but I can already see the love these two have for each other.  Rory is very vocal when Ryan is around and it is one of my favorite things to watch the two interact with each other.  Ryan wants her to play with her so badly and I keep reminding her that it won't be long before Rory can really play!

Words really cannot express how much I love my Rory girl.  She just brings me so much joy every single day and it's impossible to put into a post how thankful I am that God entrusted me to be her Mama.  You are so so loved my little 5 month old!