
Aug 12, 2013

Ryan's First Vacay

Some people would say that taking a 1 month old on her first vacation is a little crazy.  I mean aren't Moms and their newborns supposed to be cooped up in their homes for months after they are born?  Well, then I guess I've gone a little nutty cause we went home to Bakersfield for a week AND took a trip to the coast.   And as if that's not wild enough for you, I did it by myself!  So I guess you'd better check me into a mental institution. :)
1 Month Old: August 3, 2013
Since Josh has been so busy studying for his Step II, I decided to take the opportunity to go to Pismo Beach with his family.  Having family to help out with Ryan is ALWAYS wonderful, but I was definitely nervous about driving the 3 hours home to Bakersfield, alone, with a one month old.  But, I shouldn't have been scared.  My angel baby slept the entire way home.  She really makes things a little too easy.  I'm guessing my next child is going to be quite the handful to make up for how easy Ryan is.

We spent the first couple of days at my parent's home so that I could get my hair done (amazing) and go to a dentist appointment (not nearly as amazing).  And Ryan got to meet lots more of her family including her Great Grandma Gerrie and her Great Grandma Scurlock!
Great Grandma Scurlock
She also got to meet Papa B!

And of course, she spent a little time with Grandpa Fairman too.

After three days at home in Bakersfield, we headed to the coast with Josh's family.  Ryan got to meet her three boy cousins, Jacob, Cole, and Caleb.  Jake was especially smitten with "Baby Ryan."  He was very concerned with which blanket she used, whether her pacifier was in or out, and why she doesn't have any teeth.  Three year olds are too funny. :)  He couldn't get enough of her!

She also got to meet her youngest Uncle!  Uncle Andrew wasn't quite as enamored with her as cousin Jake, but for a 13 year old boy, he was great with her.
Ryan enjoyed her first of what will most likely be many many trips to Pismo Beach.  And I successfully (with the help of Auntie Kristin) nursed in public.  On the beach.  In the sand. Winning!

All bundled up for the drive home from the beach.
We had a great trip but it was nice to come back to Redlands after a week away.  Needless to say, Daddy was very happy to see Ryan and vice versa. 

They had to catch up on a weeks worth of snuggles.
So, we survived our first vacation with a baby.  Hopefully, Josh can join us on the next one! 

Aug 11, 2013


With all the excitement and changes in our life regarding Ryan's arrival, I've kind of slacked on mentioning that other big thing in our world. Medical school.  It's kind of taken a back seat in my mind, but definitely not in Josh's. 

He hit a huge milestone this past week.  He finished his final rotation of third year and he is officially a fourth year medical student.  Did you read that!?! Fourth Year. As in 3/4 of the way through medical school.  Like only ONE year left!  And really, it's less than one year since he will finish his fourth year rotations in April 2014.  People said it would all fly by and they were right. It amazes me that we are quickly closing in on the end of this medical school thing.  Of course then we get to start that thing called residency which is longer and as some would say, more challenging.  But we'll focus on that when we get there. :)
Josh is currently on a 3 week "break" from rotations.  He is studying to take the Step II CK (Clinical Knowledge) portion of his board exams.  His days are very reminiscent of his Step I study days last summer.  He took the CS (Clinical Skills) test in mid July.  Once he finishes the exam, he'll start his fourth year electives.  He's also preparing his applications for residency which he will submit in September.  We THINK he's going to apply for General Surgery.

Well he's "ALMOST" one.  Close enough!
Daddy's girls. We're so proud of him.
So basically, there's a lot going on in the Scurlock household and as always, change is our only constant.  We are getting pretty used to that at this point.  And while there are still some hurdles to climb (passing the CK, finishing residency applications, going to interviews, matching) we are celebrating the here and now.  We are fourth years baby!

Aug 8, 2013

Ryan: Week 3

During Ryan's third week, we really started to fall into a routine of eating, sleeping, and pooping.  Rinse. Repeat.

Her umbilical cord FINALLY fell off this week.  It took just over two weeks.  I was actually a little sad because I felt like it meant that she was no longer a newborn! 

The highlight of the week was Grandma Lala coming to visit from Bakersfield.  Twice!  She just can't get enough of her first grand-daughter. And I mean, can you really blame her?

Lala helped Ryan get her first real bath since her cord had come off.  And can I just say that this child absolutely loves baths! She goes into a trance as the warm water rushes over her. They have become part of our nightly routine now.

She definitely resembles her Mama.
We did some shopping with Lala and so of course Ryan had some outfits added to her ever-expanding closet.  Lala even insisted that we put one of her new outfits on in the store!  Lala was a huge help with Ryan, especially at night.  She says she "prefers fussy babies."  Lala you can come visit us anytime!