
Apr 26, 2013

"The Talk"

About a month ago, my friend Julie let me know that the show "The Talk" on CBS was doing an episode for first time expectant mother's set to tape in late April.  The stipulations were: #1 you had to be a first time Mom and #2 you had to be at least 7 months pregnant.  Well, check and check.  So we signed up online and I kind of forgot about it.  Pregnancy brain?  Maybe.

Fast forward to last week and we got the call that we had been confirmed for a ticket on the show.  So we showed up on the CBS set yesterday morning along with 250 extremely beautiful and EXTREMELY pregnant women.  Talk about a building FULL of hormones!  One woman was only two days away from her due date!

There was an hour or more of waiting in line and the taping itself took a couple of hours.  But it was SOOOOOOOO worth it.  Each and every mom-to-be in the audience received all kinds of gifts including a crib, infant car seat, pack n' play, stroller, high chair, video monitor, breast pump, diaper bag, 3 month supply of diapers and wipes and much much more! 

As the wife of a medical student living on student loans, I can definitely say that this show was a huge blessing.  And a tip for any friends thinking of getting pregnant soon, maybe plan your pregnancy around shows like this?  I'm not kidding....seriously.
The "takehome" loot

Gift certificates to redeem!

Had so much fun with Julie and Christina
What an amazing day it was!

And since I hit a milestone this week, here's a 30 week baby bump picture.  I can't believe there are less than 10 weeks left until we get to meet Baby Girl Scurlock! At least we are much closer to being ready for her after being on the show.

Feeling large!

Apr 12, 2013

Gifts From Our Girl

Right after Josh and I found out we were expecting, we started getting special little packages in the mail addressed to us from "Baby Scurlock."  Since then, we have received something every four weeks during the pregnancy, along with a special note from Baby Girl.  I am pretty certain of who is sending said gifts but I won't spill the beans other than to say that her name is a three letter word that starts and ends with the letter "M."  :)
4 weeks
8 weeks

12 weeks

Most recent: 28 weeks

All the gifts so far.
 Such a great idea right?!?!  And oh so fun for us soon-to-be parents!

Apr 8, 2013

OBGYN & Nursery Projects

Josh started OBGYN last week and he's been up to his elbows with all things baby at the hospital.  He even helped to deliver his first two babies today.  In case you read my blog solely for the purpose of medical school knowledge, then I'll inform you that the OBGYN rotation is easier than say Internal Medicine and Surgery in terms of hours spent at the hospital, but harder than Pediatrics.  During clinic days, he sees patients on a normal 8-5 schedule but takes about 2 L&D call days a week.  Some are day call while others are overnight call.  His impression after week one, well, it definitely won't be his career of choice.  But I sure find it interesting to hear about his day!

Because of this, I've been more motivated to continue on with nursery projects.  At seven months pregnant tomorrow, I probably need to kick it into high gear if everything is going to be done before Baby Girl gets here.

27 weeks
Over the weekend, Mom and I refinished the dresser.  This project was MUCH easier than refinishing the changing table.  It could be because we already had the supplies necessary and the practice.  Or, it could be because we got smarter and used the electric sander instead of doing it by hand.  Oh if we had only known!  I forgot to take a before picture, but let me tell you, it looks nothing like it did before.
And in case you had forgotten what the matching changing table looked like.

I also got to work on a shelf that I had gotten from Michael's for about $12.00.
I pulled out the pegs, painted it, and added the cutest pink ceramic flower knobs from World Market.

 I LOVE how it turned out and it was so cheap and easy to do.  Most of the projects I have left to do are much smaller in comparison to the dresser and changing table.  Thank goodness.  Cause this girl's belly is starting to get in the way!