
Jul 26, 2015

4th of July 2015

Okay, so this post is obviously way late, but we've had a lot going on around here.  Between 2nd  birthday parties, my mom's visit to MA, nursery designing and completion (mostly), transitioning Ryan out of the crib and into a bed, basement belongings covered in mold, car repairs to both cars, a month of nights for Josh, and about 37483 other things, Independence Day kind of got lost in the shuffle.

However, it did happen.  We did celebrate, kind of, and I have a few pictures to prove it.

The Girls

Like I mentioned, Josh has been on nights throughout the entire month of July.  His only night off during the week is Saturday night (which the 4th happened to fall on) but, he works Friday nights so he sleeps the majority of the day on Saturdays.  It was also rather overcast here in Massachusetts on the 4th so Ryan and I just did our normal day to day routine most of the day.  I did however venture out to the grocery store in red, white and blue attire for the necessities to make an Independence Day worthy meal complete with cheeseburgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, and homemade ice-cream.  It was kind of like being at Gramma Catie's backyard in California, sort of, okay not really.

But, we did have Bomb Pops, aka: "poccles" according to Ryan.  So obviously her July 4th was made.

I said "Show me your Poccle!"
I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday.  It's typically one of my favorites of the year and I'm hoping next year Josh will be a little less sleepy, I'll be a little less pregnant, and it will be a little more exciting!

Jul 16, 2015

Ryan's Pink Flamingo Birthday Party

We celebrated Ryan's 2nd birthday last weekend with a pink flamingo bash.  Where I got the pink flamingo theme from?  I don't know.  I think I subconsciously realized that flamingos are really "in" right now because after deciding on the theme for her party, I noticed that flamingos are seriously EVERYWHERE.  They are like the new "owl" craze from a few years ago.
I had all of these ideas in my head from Pinterest and elsewhere and when I began the planning phase for this party 8+ weeks ago, all my DIY ideas seemed much more fun to do than they ended up being at 33 weeks pregnant.  Ha!  I seriously wore myself out planning for this party, but it turned out how I envisioned it.  It was pretty and fun and overall relaxing.  And as a bonus, my Mom has been here from California to help out and give me a break in the last weeks of my pregnancy so I had some party prep help.  Praise the Lord, I don't know if I could have accomplished it all without her help.
Morning party prep.

We set up the backyard for the kids with a couple of Walmart swimming pools and Ryan's new swing set.  I had put on the invitation that there would be "swimming, food, and fun" which I then had a serious laugh session about the night before imagining Josh's boss showing up to the party in his swim trunks ready for a dip in the "pool." Although I'd be totally lying if I didn't admit I've spent my fair share of time in it during this pregnancy.  My poor neighbors. The blow up/plastic pools and sprinkler ended up being an absolute hit with the kids though.  Such easy, cheap entertainment.  I guess that's one huge benefit of having a summer birthday.

We had tons of food and desserts and waaaay too much left over, but we also had such a great time and it was fun to have a few of our closest friends over to celebrate Ryan and see our new home.

Please don't mind my 34 week pregnant self.
I still can't believe we have a two year old, but I also can't believe we are going to have a newborn in six weeks either.  Time continues to march on! Happy 2nd Birthday to my Ryan Cathleen!

Jul 3, 2015

A Letter To my TWO Year Old

Oh Ryan my love,

As I sit here in the early evening after having just put you to bed, I can't help but remember that it was just about this time two years ago that I "met" you for the first time.  You were so squishy and pink and though I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, I could never have imagined the way that my heart would swell with love for you over the last two years.

This past year you have learned to test your limits and mine.   The best way to describe you is still strong-willed but I guess you ARE your Mama's daughter. You are as adventuresome as any little boy yet as cuddly and lovable as every little girl.  You continue to have the most amazing conversations with your Dad and I, friends, strangers, toys, and yourself.  It is only when you are sleeping that you are really quiet.  I have no doubt that you will have an easy time making friends in the future, though I imagine that "Sissy" will be your best friend.  I can't wait to watch you become a Big Sister.

I have loved MOST every minute of these last two years with you Ry.  We do pretty much everything together and I know I will always treasure the two years that we had of just me and you.  You are my very best friend and when I'm having a rough day, (even if it's because of you!) I can usually count on you to cheer me up by doing something silly or giving me a kiss or a hug to turn the day around.

You love your Daddy so much and you look forward to him coming home every day.  He is gone at the hospital a lot, but I think even at 2, you already understand that he works hard for this family.  It is amazing to watch your face light up when you are with him and it warms my heart more than you will ever know.

I'm sure that this third year will bring with it new challenges and struggles for me as your Mama as we officially enter the "terrible twos", but Ryan please know that no matter how frustrated I may sometimes get with you, I love you so much more than I could ever express.  You make me so proud and you fill my heart with so much joy.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for granting me the gift of being your Mom.  There is no greater blessing in my life.

I love you Ryan Cathleen, to the moon and back.

Your Mommy